Emily Ingrey-Counter

Website: www.emilyingreycounter.com

Instagram: emilyingreycounterartist

Facebook: emilyingreycounterartist


Emily creates fresh and energetic drawings and paintings of the natural world through direct and immediate mark making. Both sensitive and lively, her drawings capture fleeting moments and visceral experiences of nature through her use of mixed media. Working on a variety of scale and subject matter her work is united by a strong visual vocabulary of mark and colour whilst effectively communicating spontaneity and movement. All of Emily’s work centres on the things that capture her attention within landscape and the life that inhabits it.


Emily Ingrey-Counter is a graduate of Edinburgh College of Art (1998). Her work, which is both sensitive and energetic, focuses on capturing a response to an experience within nature. 

Emily has exhibited both locally and nationally, including the Society of Wildlife Artists (SWLA) annual exhibition held in the Mall Galleries, London (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) and more locally at the Dovecot Studios (2023), the Scottish Ornithologists Club, Aberlady (2023, 2020) the Marchmont Gallery (2018, 2019, 2020, 2023) and the Found Gallery, Dunbar (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023). Emily’s work also featured in ‘The Edinburgh Art Book’, released in the Summer 2019. ( BENNETT, E.,ed. The Edinburgh Art Book, UIT/ Green Books, Cambridge, June 2019)